Sweet Donna from
Donna's Digital Creations nominated me for the Sunshine Award This is a fun award and maybe it will help you get to know me a little.
Now, if you're visiting as a nominee - here are the simple rules:
First, you should thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.
Next, answer the following questions about yourself.
Then, choose 10 of your favorite bloggers and link their blogs to your post.
Be sure to let them know that you are nominating them for the award.
Last, be sure to copy and paste the award to your blog!
OK, here we go!
Answered by Granny Enchanted (A.K.A. Sheryl C.S. Johnson)
1. Favorite color- I love sky blue.
2. Favorite animal - Our new dog, Duchess. She's a little mentally handicap and is easier to hold. I've had a malamute and a German shepherd so it is sooooooooo nice to have a little terrier for a lap dog instead of 110 lb drooling, dog breath cuddle muffins.
3. Favorite number -3, 3 and more 3. Oh, the exquisiteness of the curves... Hmmm maybe 8 in second place.
4. Favorite Drink - Sad as it sounds... ice water. Love it.
5. Facebook or Twitter: Facebook. I'm not very familiar with Twitter but I have syndicated my blog there for people who like it. It's on Facebook I give away freebies early and take input from fans.
6. Good book or good movie: Good Book while I'm in my PJs. The problem is I'm a writer so I hardly have time to read. I also pick up the cadence of whatever I'm reading so I have to be careful that it at least matches what I'm writing or you'll hear it in the story or article I'm writing. Don't want Lord of the Rings in a fluffy romance, now do we?
7. My passion: I love people, especially my family. For the last year I love Photoshop Elements. My house would be cleaner if Adobe had never created it.
8. Giving or getting gifts- "Giving - I love to see someones face light up after I give them something-and I will be honest, I don't mine getting a little something every once in a while too.LOL" ~This is Donna's answer word for word. I agreed too much to change it.
9. Favorite day- Today is always my favorite day! (& whatever day we're walking through the gates of Disneyland.)
10. Favorite flower - White carnations.
Now that you know a little bit more about me, it is time to discover more about 10 other great bloggers!!
Here are my 10 nominees for the Sunshine Award:
Dee's Delights -scrapbook freebies
Marie Higgins -Sweet and funny author
Let Me Scrapbook -Scrapbook freebies and supplies... love love love her stuff.
Heavenly Homemakers -so much good stuff to learn about.
The Guilded Pear -priceless tips and family interest articles
Scrappiness Downunder - Best Textured Freebies Ever
Fly Lady -How anyone can homemake without the Fly Lady, I'm not sure.
Sheyzz ToyBox -Digi Flower Freebie Heaven in one stop.