Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Free "Armor of God" Digi Scrapbook Paper Dolls



Click to enlarge image.
Download a zipped file of this kit here.
In Google Docs choose file and Download.


Blog Roll:
You came from Here: Toddlers of Unusual Size 
Now you're here: Granny Enchanted 
You're going here: Craft With Me 
Let Me Scrapbook

I am excited to be part of this blog train.  As usual, if an entry in this blog train was hard to find or download it did not make it to my directory.  My blog train directories are all about easy for you.
Twiisters Armor of God August 2012

Other Kits I have that match-ish this blog train (Check my freebie Kits directory for more):

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Sunshine Award. Check my blog out for more information.
    Hugs Donna
