Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday's Guest Freebies

I am such a sucker for dots.  I like the big playful dots in B Cuz I Can's paper pack.  I bet there's a
quilt fabric like this... Hmmmm, something to look up today.  So darling.

BLOG TRAIN!!!! Should I sponsor a blog train?  I love these things.  I wish there was one every day.  The biggest problem with sharing a blog train on a guest freebie post is how much time it would take me to paste and link all the gorgeous previews.  I am particularly happy with the color scheme of this  "In the Kitchen" SNP Blog train.  Visit the main blog train post to see all the participants... Most of them are this good... It's like Christmas again, so soon. xoxoxox.  I do wish they had a slide show or a small thumbnail of each participant on the main post page, but free, and high quality free at that, is nothing to complain about. Besides, it is unrealistic for me to expect the world to bend to my A.D.D.  Beyond impressed with all their participants.  Hope you'll like it too.

I like the scattered hearts and tag on Adriana's Cafe's frame cluster.  

Hmm, maybe some of these could match the frame cluster?  Darn the color resolution on my laptop.  

I have a few favorite sources for freebies right now.  Farmer Lisa is one of those.  I love her quick page.... and I think I've mentioned that I'm not a quick page fan so I really like her quick page.  It's a different leaf but maybe one of these alphas could make a complimentary page?

I love, love, .... (did I say love?) these flower scans.  Scrapbooks Gone Digital's quick page (I guess 
maybe I do like quick pages after all) is so fresh and simple.  I love the stripes and the simple 
flowers/butterfly.  No bravado.  Just attractive like it should be.
I am charmed by these clever shapes by Dee.  My favorite is a toss up between the heart with a 
swirl tail and the flower in the right hand corner.  I can think of so many things to do with these.


  1. Hi Sheryl, thank you for highlighting my Paper Cuts. I adore the floral alphas you created in above post, have a great week hugs Dee

  2. Hi Sheryl! thanks so much for Highlighting our Blog Train...and My Preview in particular! Have a great Day!
    Paula (Keystone Scraps)

  3. Hi Sheryl... Thank you so much for highlighting the SNP Blog Train, and in particular my preview.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Karen Diamond "scrapN2Nspire"
