Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday's Guest Freebies -Far Far Hill

Someone once complained to me about how long it took to download Far Far Hill freebies.... I'm just saying... I'D WAIT FOR THIS! And I have waited... a long time... and not been sorry.  Wow!  Love my Far Far Hill downloads.
Guest Freebie 1:

I did this one last week, but saw it again today and
Whelp!  I still love it just as much so there you go!

Guest Freebie 2:

In my PNG elements directory under characters
I have a bunch of snowmen you could add to
these papers.
Guest Freebie 3:

In my kit directory I have some spooky kits that
would go with these papers.

Guest Freebie 4:

I'm totally nerding out for these because they'll
be perfect for my Halloween pages.  I'm thinking
of shrinking them down and tiling them to make
bold background paper!  Love!
Guest Freebie 5:

Love the basic!
Guest Freebie 6:

Still nerding out....
Granny Enchanted's Freebies:

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