Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Burnt Red Polka" Free Halloween Digi Scrapbook Kit with Alphabet, Papers, and PNG Embellishments

Still having trouble with Blogger and HTML codes.  Thank you for your patience.  I'm really hoping blogger fixes this because I do prefer Blogger to WordPress.  I don't want to move everything over...especially since everyone knows I'm here.  Here's to Crossing our fingers.

This preview links to 1 paper. Kit is in parts below.
This kit comes in 3 parts 


             Part 3 Alphabet

Look at this gorgeous Halloween Card made by
Michaela's Craft Creations. She has used the black
spider web paper from my set and other freebies
from other digiscrappers.  I love the combinations of
fun items. Follow the image link to see it on her blog.
And this box is here because Blogger HTML
is broken.  Now the question is will they fix
it? When I think of Blogger or Google Docs
and little glitches like this I am still filled with
Gratitude.  How great is Google?  They
host my site for free.  Host my images for
free. Host my files for free.  They don't ask
anything from me except that I follow a few
reasonable, simple rules and they let me use
Adsense to make an income by playing with
all their free services.  So hoping they'll fix it,
but not mad, like stomping up and down in a
tizzy.  Because really, Blogger and Google are
great... even if they don't fix this right away.

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