Saturday, June 9, 2012


I love good fathers.  I'm always careful to go easy on fathers in general.  I think there's a world pointing fingers at the failure of fathers right now.  I know so many good fathers; fathers who provide for their families, help their wives, love and dote on their children.  They are beautiful men.  And I keep in mind that very often when there is a father that has failed, has abandoned, has neglected or worse, he himself very likely never had a roll model of a good father he could emulate. So cheers to every father worth emulating.  And to everyone who isn't, today is the first day of the rest of your life and you can choose this day what kind of father you are going to be.  It is never too late, not so long as there is a new moment coming after this one.

Download the 12x12 inch Left Quick Page Here.
In Google Docs/Drive choose file and download.

Download the 12x12 inch Right Quick Page Here.
In Google Docs/Drive choose file and download.

I hope you enjoy this pair of Father's Day Quick Pages.  I am sorry but the frames don't actually exist in my directories yet. I'll include the paper they came from below. For the side papers I used my Photoshop Elements 10 butterfly stamp, turned the butterfly on its side, hung it off the page and layered it with another paper of the same cut.

10 FREE Baby or Birth Announcements
  Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 

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