Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday's Guest Freebies


I know Mother's Day has passed but this would
have been perfect.

As Granny Enchanted (though not yet an
actual Granny) I feel contractually bound to
highlight all things Granny, or Nana as it were.


In the batman movie with Kim Basinger when
the Joker stands back and asks, "Where does he
get all those wonderful toys?"

  I feel that way about Dee.  How does she do 
all those wonderful effects?  Felt?  Gorgeous!


Love Bees.

Highlighted this one the other day but Bee-cuz
there are two now, I highlight it again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi stranger .... it is so wonderful to start my day with a greeting from you. May the sun shine brightly around you today and bring you love and contentment. Hugs, Sue
