Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday's Guest Freebies


I thought this would be good with some dinos on
a boy page.  Hmmm, though, it would be cute
with some pink ribbon for girls too.  I love it.

Dinos, just in case you don't have any yet.


If I stopped by Dee's to pick up an alphabet then
I'm going to stop by to pick up some papers...

And darling Journal Elements...


Aren't these just about the cutest thing since
buttered bread...wait... don't know if buttered
bread was the right analogy there. Cutest thing
since floral tea pots?

Darling!  And more Darling.  There's ever paper
above to match.  How perfectly green!

Why Blogger picks up some of the outlined border on the bottom when I copy an image, I'm not sure.  You'll forgive me for not correcting the HTML when this happens.  You get the idea and the originals don't have a tan border on the bottom.  Correcting html is so tedious and I'd rather be creating something.

1 comment:

  1. The green pages are ideal for my blog.I hope I can use them freely,can't I?of course by giving credit to you

    Enjoy Teaching English
