Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday's Guest Freebies

Doesn't this make you crave summer time?

And this one is making me crave Mike and Ikes.

I had to go hug my son when I saw this.  It
reminded me of  when he was brand new in
soft blue blankets.  Oh, today's the last day
he'll ever be this small.  He's 10 now.  Luckily
he'll still submit to hugs.

I cannot tell you how many times I've thought 
I wish I had... and here it is.  
Voila!  Wish granted. 

Did you know I have no yellow paper to match this?
 I'm just going to have to make some because it is so

Pinch me!  I must be dreaming!

In a scrapbook world of quick pages with one hole
for one photo on a 12x12...Can I just say I LOVE
this one?? Six pictures worth of love there.


  1. Stuff on your site looks lovely!:D I'm sure to return and download at a better time. Thank you already in advance!:)

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my "Happy". It was one of those "spur of the moment" words. Definately one of my favorites.

    Hugs always, Sue

  3. You have a wonderful blog and so many beautiful freebies!

    Thank you for featuring my freebies..Have a great day!

  4. Thank you Sheryl for featuring my freebies so appreciated, hugs Dee
