Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday's Guest Freebies

Putting the aged clock in this frame cluster was

Yes, the whole kit!! Cute patch on the yellow heart.
Funky, fun ribbons...Plenty of papers...Cute trim. A+

My eye was stuck to that heart paper... I mean, there
is heart paper and then there's beautiful heart paper.
Beautiful! (and Wow!  Matching flowers.)

I don't usually like quick pages but this is so quirky
and fun I couldn't help but like it.

Creative Elegance has really hit my soft spot for...

...vintage images.  Check out this bike... Really neat.

I love the roses here.

I had to celebrate the winged hearts here. 
I tried to skip this envelope but couldn't resist. BEE-YOU-Tee-FuLL!

My Recent Kits:

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