Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday's Guest Freebies

I am tooling around my favorite blogs today.  I know you'll love these.

For the life of me I'm too lazy to see if I already
shared this one.  It doesn't matter.  It is worth sharing
twice.  Beautiful!!!

These hearts are beautiful.  My favorite is in the
lower right hand corner.

I'm thinking about using these for our school
Valentines tags.

Trims, like brads, are something I can never have
enough of.

This one might expire Feb 15th....HUrRY!

If my house is a mess today it is because I spent too
much time on ScrapDot.


Beautiful prints.

I love using characters in the corners of my pages.

My Recent Kits:

1 comment:

  1. Happy Valentines Day Sheryl! Thank you for featuring my freebies, so kind of you. I popped your pink alpha on What Caught My Eye Today, I've never seen pink camo before,gorgeous! Hugs Dee
