Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday's Guest Freebies

This blue word art is gorgeous!

Living in the state of Deseret (Utah), I have to say
I love this frame cluster. We're big on bees here.

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I found these darling printable tickets. Now, I 
know they probably aren't separated into 
individual PNG files and it would take some digi 
cutting, but I couldn't pass them by.
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They would look so cute on scrap pages, tossed 
around on edges, or even piled on top of each 
other skiwampus to create background paper.

Oh!  I love bugs with little zippy flying trails.

Isn't this so true?

More fantastic flourishes from Dee.

!....I wish I could pull Far Far Hill right out of the
computer and hug, hug, hug them.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for featuring my "Rainbowof Life/Pot of Gold wordart. It means so much to me. Love, Sue @ grands9creations.
