Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday's Guest Freebies

Thank you CBH for finding these lovely freebies.  I usually use a mix of Google, CBH and Craft Crave to 
find my freebies but Craft Crave is down today(Thursday).  All of these were found on the CBH Site.  I
 always check both CBH and Craft Crave because, though they sometimes find the same things, they find
many the other one doesn't.  I've found that they've replaced my housework... Meaning I smile more but my
house is now  messy because I'm always looking at their goodies.

Dainty!  How sweet!!  This would be so perfect in
just about anything girly.

Fun!  I love those bears.

I love the quality here.  You'll want Google Translate
on this one.

It is so hard not to gush about Scrap Dot.  This kit is
no less than perfect.  I love the simplicity.

Have you even scrapped last Easter yet?  Chop!
Chop!  No excuses left now.
I am enamored by these frames and cluster.  Loved
the for sale kit too.

I about fainted with glee when I saw this.  Beyond...

As a scrapper I bet you'll never get enough bows,
flowers, and brads.  I like the patterns on the back-
ground papers too.
My Recent Kits:


  1. Thank you for posting my freebie on your blog, how sweet of you! Have a nice weekend!

  2. Thank you for posting my Pastel Spring in Blue freebie kit! Please make sure you check back because the Blue kit was the first in the series. Kits in green, pink, purple, and yellow to follow. Thanks again! You're very generous to advertise my freebies.
