Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Free Red Gingham Digi Scrapbook Alphabet

Alert:  This is one of my first alphas.  There is a small drop shadow.  DPI=72. (You Love Free though, right?)

Download a zipped file of this alphabet + PNG
To acquire an individual PNG image left click image to enlarge.
Right click image and "Save Image As..." to download.













Really, you can't tell me you don't think of picnics 
and tablecloths when you see this alpha.
Free Red Gingham Digi Scrapbook Alphabet


  1. I love this alpha and plan on using it in my 4th of July decorating plans. Thanks for sharing so generously.

  2. I tried to download the full alpha, but I got a not found 404 error. Thanks for your generosity!

  3. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BziiM0RBdYXsODU4NTkyNjQtODI3Yy00YjgwLWFiYmUtOWMzZDgyMTE1YmU0/edit?pli=1
