Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday's Guest Freebies

Once again these match recent paper she released.
Cute.  The flower reminds me of Doris Day earrings.

Another scrapper commented that Dee had
"fabulous flourishes."  Isn't that the truth??

Classy bow set!!

Strings like this are perfect on top
of tags.

Beautiful word art Here!!

What a clever little cluster.  I love the happy colors.

I love vintage images.  They're great to cut out
with Photoshop, feathering the edges.  You can use
them on tags or papers of similar background color.
I love Far Far Hill.

This color combo has my attention every time.
The bows and ribbons are perfect.

Vintage lady Tags Background for Romantic Strawberry Hearts Alphabet

Pink Val Papers Advert Vintage Image Ad Gold Corners
Sometimes I come across so many freebies in one place and I love them too much to just choose one.  My 
favorite Pixie Treasures Freebie here is the music note tags, with vintage tags in a close second. But how 
could I leave behind the other beauties?? So fantastic.  I know it has nothing to do with your scrapbooking, 
but may I say that I love the previews?  Beautiful font, backgrounds, and layouts for just the
previews.... Love this site.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sheryl, thank you for linking my freebie yesterday it's so sweet of you. Have a lovely day hugs Dee
