Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday's Guest Freebies

Beautiful idea.  I'm so glad to see a bird, even if
it's digital, in January.
Sweet as Honey by Kristin Cronin-Barrow
I'm Mormon.  I'm from Utah.  I think I'm
contractually bound to love this bee motif scrap kit.

I was trying to pick my favorite heart on here...
Can't.  I have 4 that are tied.  Darling trinkets.  
card layout-004
I like Jak Heath's creations.  They're beautiful.

I had a week of dots a while ago.  I guess
we all catch dot fever sometimes.  Love the brown
pink combo.

The Romance tag is so classy.  Mwah!

Let Me Scrapbook has fun designs.  I will try to
cultivate my patients so I can make cute embellishments
 like this snowman.  Sometimes I get too techno crazy with my Photoshop and I forget how gorgeous simple can be.
Bedtime Stories Boy Brag Book
I think I was sneaking around the Just So Scrappy stores when I found this.  Super cute!!  Plus, it's my favorite price: ffffffffrrrrrrrrrrreeeeee

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Sheryl for highlighting my labels, have a wonderful day hugs Dee
