Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday's Guest Freebies

This is a fun color combination.  I love the hearts and the text paper.

If you're like me you still haven't scrapped your Christmas pages yet.  I love Carol Abram's freebie 
scrapbook bow. Crisp, Fresh, original.  Quality image.


When I first started this blog I made things more for me than you.  Which is why you find drop shadows and
 unzipped posts when you go back a ways.  Did you know I've only been running Granny Enchanted since
July/August of 2011.  I am still learning.  Granted, I'm a quick study.  Here is an old alpha that matches that
darling png frame. The PNG alpha is stacked, unzipped on the bottom of the post. (I really do spoil you
now, don't I?)  To download the frame follow the image link.  Find the image and  left click to enlarge PNG
image and right click to "Save Image As..." Leave a thank you too.  

digital scrapbook freebie quick page
My favorite things about Dee's Shabby Pink freebie kit are the chandelier and the striped paper.  However,
 I have to put in kudos for that lace.  Having digitally cut lace out myself I can say it isn't a picnic.  By the 
time I was done I was considering charging for it.  Suzy Q Scraps (right above) has a nifty mini Photoshop 
tutorial with this cute mini kit.  I consider making videos for you but I make my photoshop items on a ten 
year old computer, affectionately named "The Putt Putt," and I use Photoshop Elements 3.  I will grow up 
soon (presumably by force when the computer utters its last hiccup) and get a new PC and the Photoshop 
Elements 10 that I've been drooling over.  I think I can squeeze this out of my husband, as he's seen my 
Google Adsense money and now knows I'm doing more than goofing off on the computer everyday..(The 
truth is I am goofing off and getting paid for it, but don't tell him). I find the resolution of my new-ish laptop, 
the one I write books on... or would be finishing books if I wasn't goofing off here... isn't an accurate 
resolution color-wise.  I'm a bit of a stickler for color when I create.

butterfly digital scrapbook paper
This butterfly is from Call Me Victorian.  I really enjoy her site.  She's also provided the tags in this guest kit:


  1. Thank you Granny for highlighting my freebie it's most appreciated, have a great weekend hugs Dee

  2. All the wonderful goodies are much appreciated. Thanks for sharing so generously.
