Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saturday's Guest Freebies

I am moving my Guest Freebies blog to this main blog.  There's just more traffic here (Thank you for the
 recent one day record of 5,881 views on Granny E sites.  Mwah! Mwah!  Good job!) and I want to share
 my finds because I know you'll be as excited about them as I am.

I am impressed with these Gorgeous freebie Frames!!

What a treasure.  This image pulled me into her sites.
How gorgeous are these love birds?? DaRLing!!

Pick up a free purple paper in my paper directory to
match the gorgeous birds to the left.
Just guessing here; on her blog left click to enlarge and
right click enlarged image to "Save Image As..." and download.
You may want to use Google Translate.

Shameless self promotion here... Look she (left)
made a collection of fall foliage to go with my free


  1. Thank you so much for moving these to your main blog. I didn't even know you had another one for the guest freebies!

  2. The guest freebies blog gets traffic but nothing like this one... So it just makes sense. I do this between 2 and 5 times a week. I'll go to craft crave and pluck around often and this is like my scrapbook of wish I had, I'd like to make something to go with that.... Plus, a lot of Craft Crave finds aren't really free so I go into the site to see if it's a real freebie (If it ever isn't give a comment). Love these birds today!

  3. Oh thank you so much for featuring my love birds! I appreciate it SO much! It means the world to me that you like them as well!
