Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday Guest Freebies

Oh, my Sister would love this!  She loves teal.

This one actually made it to my Word doc, named
idea pics.  I love the papers and, surprisingly, the
muted color scheme too.  I'm going to toss away
the idea that I'm not a quick page fan.  I suppose
I just needed to see the right quick pages.

I know it is just a sheet of paper, but it is an
exceptional sheet of paper.  I love the detail.

I love the swirls off the frames.  I keep a basic
frame file and this is perfect.  There are dozens of
papers/elements I could blend this with.

Annie, how did you know it's my baby boy week??
I love this.

 Well, if that isn't one of the most original ideas for
a digi alphabet, I don't know what is. 

I am a lace addict.  xoxoxoxoxox...Not to mention
the clever aged text frame... and the... and the...
Can I like it too much?

Oh, Go grab my shabby pink papers in my "Lady"
kit and make something with them... Not to be
bossy or anything.

Gorgeous swirl!!

I really need to go back and package this kit better.
Ah, not today though. I'm thinking the shabby
floral in the center would go great with the above


Because you can never collect too many denim
pockets.  You can add it to my seams and denim
fabric... Yes, I'm going to make you hunt through
my kits.  I love this button.  A button with thread
through it is one thing I don't have.
How is it I give away the most freebies and always land on the last page of Craft Crave?  Sigh.  Here I am 
today. I'm sure there's some little something I need to tweak to fix that.  I thought climbing the Google 
search ladder would be harder than Craft Crave but I dominate the "Free Scrapbook Alphabet" image 
search.  If you know a secret tell me.  I find so many beauties on Craft Crave.  And there are so many 
people like me that will search every last page that I guess it doesn't mean anything to be last.  Did you 
know most of my traffic comes from..... drum roll please.... me.  Yep.  It is my directories.  Apparently 
you really appreciate those.  I bet I use them more that you do. Tee hee hee.  My directories trump 
Google Traffic, Craft Crave traffic, Pinterest Traffic, and Creative Busy Hands traffic.  Whelp I have to 
go beat my ego into submission now.  Listen to me go on when I have so much organizing and site 
buffing to do.  It's like standing in a messy room and pointing out my shiny shoes.  By the way, to get 
your freebies on Craft Crave you ask Maria nice by leaving a comment.  To have your previews picked 
up you link them to a download or include freebie in the title.  Marie is a wonder and joy!  I love
her site.  It is an every day thing for me to visit.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheryl, thank you for highlighting my freebie swirl. Don't despair being on Maria's last page I usually am too but I don't fret either because I know die hard scrappers look through every page :) Congrats on your traffic, thank you for directing new traffic to my blog, hopefully I'm doing likewise to yours. Have a lovely weekend, hugs Dee.
