Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday's Guest Freebies

I love this fun border (above).  Gorgeous color combos.

I am so ready for spring.  I love Dee's spring kit, especially the water droplets.

I should probably start creating Easter papers.  I found a gift bag the other day that was screaming, "Make 
me into scrapbook paper and elements.  Please. Please!"...  Really, you can't tell me you don't see gift bags 
like that.

Ah, such a simple, fresh, springtime alphabet.  I appreciate the simplicity and the simplicity of the frame 
cluster.  I found another quick page I like.  This one is especially appealing because it fits more than one 
picture. You could cover the B with a flower or some other element.  I just searched my PNG
directory.  If I told you I have over a hundred more elements to share
but haven't got to it yet, would you be anxious?
I love you dearly, but for all the world I'm not going back to center the above flowers. Pretend there's symmetry there. For the daisy Left click to enlarge and save image as to download.


  1. Thank you for posting my freebie ~ you have a fabulous blog :)

    ~ Anna

  2. Thank you Granny Enchanted for posting my freebie, I appreciate your support :) I have placed a link to your site on my blog. Have a wonderful day!

  3. Thank you for posting my freebie!

  4. Thank you once again Granny for sharing my freebie, have a fab weekend hugs Dee
